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Conductor Technologies

Conductor is the platform for visual storytellers to render and create at a massive scale. Elastic, scalable, and secure, Conductor takes the heavy lifting out of compute-intensive tasks, empowering studios, artists, and technologists to carry out production-scale rendering fast and fully automated in the cloud.
Applications Support 3ds Max, After Effects, Blender, Cinema 4D, Houdini, Maya, Nuke, Vray Standalone
Country United States
Price (based on 500 frames, 5 min. per frame, 500 cinebench) ?
The price is a rough estimate, for more accurate information go to the render farm webpage
Varies by cloud provider, machine type (Spot/Std)
Speed (based on 500 frames, 5 min. per frame, 500 cinebench) ?
The speed is a rough estimate, for more accurate information go to the render farm webpage.
Various depending on machine selection
CPU description Between 2 and 160 cores on GCP, AWS, CoreWeave
GPU description Various NVidia; T4, V100, A4000, A5000, QuadroRTX
Memory (ram) on servers 2GB - 3.7TB, depending on machine
Payment options Prepay for bonus credits or Pay-as-you-go
Render Farm Type Cloud Servers
Unique Selling Point Hyperscale capacity, all on-demand, 1M+ cores
Direct Output ?
Every finished frame will automatically be downloaded to  your workstation/computer.
Encrypted upload and downloads ?
All transfers are encrypted by an encryption method. (for example: AES-265)
Free Test Credits ?
You get free starting credits when creating an account on the farm.
GPU Rendering ?
The farm has graphic card rendering possibilities.
In-App Plugins ?
Upload your project from your own 3D application.
Multiple User In One Account ?
The farm gives you the option to have multiple users in a single account, this can be with admin features so bigger companies can gives roles inside the account.
Online Cost Calculator
Student Discounts
Sync Feature ?
Sync/cache your projects on the cloud server to limit upload times.
Tile Rendering ?
Single frames are distributed among multiple nodes for faster results.

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